Peter Latham
Page updated 24-Oct-2023

Just seen your web site. I worked for Gus Kuhn's from 1964 to 1967 in the post dept, packing up spare parts. I was sometimes in the spares dept and general gofer. I washed cars and modified Girlings to create their chrome custom suspension legs. I was given a nickname of Top Cat - no idea why.

The guy at no.7 was Bob Catt [in the picture] who worked in spares and was building a three wheeler car in his lunch hour, kept it in the spare garage up Lingham Street. We used to sell a lot of bikes to Americans for the summer. One day a guy collects his Bonneville from the workshop, gets on, revs the engine and let's the clutch go. Shoots across the road, jumps the wall and ends up on the grass. Expensive mistake.

Dave Sleat used to do grass track racing along with Jimmy Crewe. He used to drive a campervan, I think it was a Commer. Mickey Barton built a Norvin bike, Norton frame and gearbox with Vincent 1000cc engine. After I left I went and worked at Pride & Clarke's on Stockwell Rd .